Optimized synthesis process for high quality oligonucleotides with superior performance in NGS applications. - Index Adaptor Primers for incorporation of molecular barcodes (UDIs, CDIs, UDI-UMIs)
- Primers for amplification and sequencing
- Target Capture Probes or blocking oligos
- Other molecular biological applications with low cross-contamination specifications
Specifications:- Typical cross contamination rate of 0.01% - 0.05%
- Available minimum quantities of 4 nmol, 10 nmol and 25 nmol
- DNA sequence length from 15 - 120 bases
- Quality is ensured by ESI-MS (electrospray ionization mass spectrometry)
- An online quality report, including the ESI-MS spectra, can be ordered
- Oligos are supplied in the selected 96well plate in liquid form at the defined concentration
- Selectable solvents are bidest water, TE buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA; pH=8) or Low EDTA Puffer (10 mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA pH = 8)
- A minimum of 20 oligos per 96-well plate is required
Request a Quote: Use our Excel template to upload your NGS oligos, where
oligo name and
sequence can be specified per oligo.
Sequence info: ACGT = DNA;
A*C*G*T = PTO ;
I = 2’-Desoxyinosine; U = 2’-Desoxyuridine; [PHO] = Phosphate modification Example: [PHO]TACGCGTACTTCTGTAGCGCTA
Use the
IUB code for wobble bases (equal amount of degenerated based)
In the last step, check your entries and then click on "Add to cart". Click on the "Get a Quote" button to request and receive your quote.