The right answers to frequently asked questions
Find the answers to all our products and services by clicking the links below.
How can I order my needed service?
Please select your wished service (for example in the quick order menu on top of the page) and follow the instructions.
Depending on the selected product you might need to raise a quote first.
Once your quote is available you will be informed, and you can accept it in your account (please navigate to “Account” -> “Quotes”).
During the ordering process you will be asked to upload your samples via our Sample Submission Sheet. You can find the option to download the sheet directly next to the upload button (please always download the sheet here as it can differ between the products we offer). This sheet requires you to give us more information about your samples, as well as assigning Eurofins NGS Barcode Labels to your samples.
How can I get Eurofins NGS Barcode Labels?
Our Eurofins NGS Barcode Labels can be ordered (free of charge) on our website.
Path: “Quick Order” -> “Next Generation Sequencing” -> “Additional Services” -> “NGS Barcodes & UPS labels”
After a few days you will receive your labels. Please stick them on your tubes based on the assignment you made on the Sample Submission Sheet. Please note that we can only accept samples arriving on our laboratory that are labelled with our Eurofins NGS Barcode Labels.
You can also find a list of your Eurofins NGS Barcode Labels at “Account” -> “NGS Barcodes & Coupons” -> “NGS Barcodes”.
How can I send my samples to Eurofins?
Please note that Eurofins Genomics has different sites in Germany. Therefore, please make sure you are shipping to the correct site as instructed by your quote or sales representative.
If you require UPS labels you can order them on our website
Path: “Quick Order” -> “Next Generation Sequencing” -> “Additional Services” -> “NGS Barcodes & UPS labels”)
The UPS label will be send to you via Email within a day or two.
The default address (not S2 material, and no ONT Lite service) is:
Eurofins Genomics Europe Pharma and Diagnostics Products & Services Sanger/PCR GmbH
Jakob-Stadler-Platz 7
78467 Konstanz
How can I monitor the progress of my order?
Your order can be tracked in your Eurofins account.
Please navigate to your “Account” -> “Orders” -> “My Orders”.
Here you can see all your orders listed.
For more detailed information please klick on the Tracking Details icon (see below). It leads you to our Order Tracking page where you can find all your samples and their current status.

Are there special features regarding the standard DIN EN ISO 17025?
Under the conditions listed below, only simplified test reports may be provided.
Subject: Simplified test reports according to DIN EN ISO 170252018, (Section 7.8)
Testing Laboratory (Accreditation): Eurofins Genomics Europe Applied Genomics GmbH (D-PL-13372, ) Eurofins Genomics Europe Sequencing GmbH (D-PL-17038)
For accredited examinations at these two companies, test results may only be reported in simplified form, i. Requirements of the standard DIN EN ISO 17025: 2018 (section 7.8) are not fully applicable to this type of transfer of results.
These results can therefore also be reported as short test reports, electronically generated result reports, Excel spreadsheets or as result files.
If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Care Team.