The right answers to frequently asked questions
Find the answers to all our products and services by clicking the links below.
How can I access my data?
Login to your Eurofins account with your e-mail address and password and click on “My Orders”, then on the icon next to your OrderID (see screenshot below).
You will find the files under section “DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS & FILES”.
If you have received any compressed files, we recommend 7-ZIP ( to uncompress them. Files will be deleted from our server 8 weeks after delivery.
Alternatively, you can access your data via our FTP server at using the username (the "ftp-" is part of the username) and password that you will receive in an email once your first data gets delivered. If you have forgotten your password, please enter to your browser and choose the "Forgot your password?" option.
Should you encounter any issues or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Will my data be secure at Eurofins?
We prioritize data security and make every effort to keep your data private and protected. Our data transfer methods are secure; however, if you prefer an alternative delivery method, we are happy to accommodate your request.
What if my results do not match my expectations?
If you believe a processing error may have occurred, please contact us, and we will investigate on a case-by-case basis.
Can I use the results for diagnostic purposes?
Yes, upon request, the service can be carried out under diagnostic conditions with ISO17025 certified workflows.
What data & file types will I receive?
Depending on the product and if you ordered your service with our without additional bioinformatics analysis the data you receive may vary.
You will always receive FASTQ files and a HTML report. The additional data types can be viewed on the respective order page of the service you would like to order.
Here is an overview of all services we offer >>
What type of analysis is provided?