Eurofins Genomics’ site directed mutagenesis (SDM) services are available for all kinds of mutations in synthetic genes synthesised in our lab. For all projects the first SDM will be performed by designing a new synthetic gene. Subsequent mutations to the same gene will be performed using our proprietary SDM approach.
Synthetic geneTo order you SDM as synthetic gene, please click
here or
contact us.
Please be aware that the following options are not available for mini and midi prep- Endotoxin-free preparation
- Sterile preparation
- Animal-free preparation
- Bioburden test
- LAL test
Service description - Experimental Design: Selection of optimal methods specific for each project and design of mutator oligonucleotides needed for in vitro mutagenesis
- In vitro Mutagenesis: Implementation of optimized methods for introducing single or multiple mutations (base substitutions, deletions, insertions) into cloned gene fragments. For the mutagenesis reaction we use a high-quality DNA polymerase. This reduces the probability of introducing unwanted mutations in the plasmid to a minimum. However, introduction of unwanted mutations cannot entirely be excluded, but it is very unlikely.
- Clone Verification: Double stranded DNA sequencing to ensure 100% accuracy of in vitro mutagenesis. We analyse up to 6 clones via sequencing of the mutation site (2 runs).
- Documentation: Quality Assurance Report including project specifications and all sequencing information
- Please note that there can be no guarantee for molecular biology projects
- Provided that there are no unexpected difficulties (biological or technical), the estimated delivery time for the mutagenesis is approx. 5-8 business days.
Confidentiality It stands to reason that Eurofins Genomics will perform the services outlined above on a “fee for service” basis. This means that Eurofins Genomics has and will claim no rights whatsoever to all or any of the data that will be generated. Eurofins Genomics will take all necessary measures to ensure that none of the data will be disseminated to third parties.